Every Expates must pay their iqama fee annually in order to continue its work in saudi arab and to avoid any kind of penalty. You must pay your iqama fee on time if your iqama is expired you have only three days to pay your iqama fee otherwise you will have to pay fine.
If your iqama is expired for first you will be fined 500 Riyals for second the amount will be double and you will have to pay a fine of 1000 Riyals and for third you will face jail and will lead you to deportation center.
Check Saudi Arab Iqama Fee 2021 Online
Saudi Arab Iqama Fee For 2021
If Your Company Have 50% or more saudi worker then your iqama fee for 2021 will be as below
Work Permit Fee 700 Per Month
Iqama Renewal Fee 650
Average Health Insurance 450
Total Fee Per Expatriates In Saudi Arab Will Be
If Your Company Have 50% Or More Expates Workers then your iqama fee for 2021 will be
Work Permit Fee 800 Per Month
Iqama Renewal Fee 650
Average Health Insurance 450
Total Fee Per Expatriates In Saudi Arab Will Be 10700