Jawazat News Saudi Arab Breaking News

Saudi Arab Jawazat Video Calling Service For Expates

The Saudi Passport Department has again asked Saudi nationals and foreigners residing in all parts of the country to use the video calling service from the Director General of the Passport Department.
According to Sidti Magazine, the Passport Department said on its Twitter account that it has introduced video calling facility to the Director General in passport offices in all regions of Saudi Arabia to improve the quality of services to local citizens and expatriates through digital platforms. Has gone. The video calling service also aims to save Saudis and expatriates from the hassle of traveling.
Occasionally, locals or expatriates are required to travel to meet with the Director General of the Passport Department to resolve issues.
Some want to meet with the Director General to follow up on their file or meet with a department official, to make a complaint, objections or suggestions. It can be a hassle for them to travel, a waste of time and money. These losses can be avoided by using a video calling service.
Video calling. It may be recalled that before the video calling facility, the Passport Department e-mail [email protected] website www.gdp.gov.sa and social media site AljawazatKSA @ and joint contact number 992 are already available.
Through them inquiries are also made from the passport department and answers are also obtained while suggestions and objections regarding the facilities of the passport department have also been sent to them.

The Saudi Passport Department has again asked Saudi nationals and foreigners residing in all parts of the country to use the video calling service from the Director General of the Passport Department.

According to Sidti Magazine, the Passport Department said on its Twitter account that it has introduced video calling facility to the Director General in passport offices in all regions of Saudi Arabia to improve the quality of services to local citizens and expatriates through digital platforms. Has gone.

The video calling service also aims to save Saudis and expatriates from the hassle of traveling.
Occasionally, locals or expatriates are required to travel to meet with the Director General of the Passport Department to resolve issues.
Some want to meet with the Director General to follow up on their file or meet with a department official, to make a complaint, objections or suggestions. It can be a hassle for them to travel, a waste of time and money.

These losses can be avoided by using a video calling service.
Video calling. It may be recalled that before the video calling facility, the Passport Department e-mail

[email protected]


social media site AljawazatKSA @ and joint contact number 992 are already available.

Through them inquiries are also made from the passport department and answers are also obtained while suggestions and objections regarding the facilities of the passport department have also been sent to them.

One Reply to “Saudi Arab Jawazat Video Calling Service For Expates

  1. سلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته معليش ما اقدر اقول من تفاصيل بس انا محتاج داوم أقامه منتهي عندي اهلي الله يسعدك ويوفقك ويرزقك ابغا اسمه لي ضريبة وا عندي كفيل انقل كفاله
    ٠٥٩٣٣٤٦١٧٨ رقم تحتاجين شيء

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