Saudi Arabia Quarantine Packages
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Saudi Arabia Quarantine Packages

Saudi Arabia Quarantine Packages

General Authority for Civil Aviation stated that the institutional quarantine does not apply expates returning to the saudi arabia if his condition in tawakkalna application is Immunized.

And for this you dont need to book any  Quarantine Packages and will be allowed to enter saudi arab without any kind of issue.

Saudi Arabia Quarantine Packages

This Immunized status will be checked if the recovery date does not exceed 6 months according to what appears in the Tawakkalna application and you will not be required to present PCR examination upon arrival to saudi arab.

Single Dose Vaccine Entry To Saudi Arabia

If a person with a single dose and his condition is updated on the Tawakkilna app he does not need to have a PCR examination upon coming to the Kingdom and the institutional quarantine procedures are not applied to him when returning to the Kingdom through the air ports.

Immunized persons which includes both Saudi citizens and Expates are not subjected to institutional quarantine upon entering the Kingdom if their status appears Immunized in the application of Tawakkalna.

This includes Mainly those who have taken one dose of the vaccine and that is 14 days after receiving the first dose with Taking into account the categories excluded from the aforementioned quarantine.

Any one who have taken two doses of vaccine outside the kingdom can prove that he is immune upon his arrival through the airports by submitting the requirements and documents specified by the Ministry of Health including that he had taken one of the vaccines approved in the Kingdom and thus he is exempted from the institutional quarantine requirement.

Saudi Arabia Cheapest Quarantine Packages

If you are unable to take any approved vaccine by any any reason then you must go for quarantine and while choosing quarantine package firstly Must Check This Quarantine Packages and as well as Quarantine Packages For Domestic Workers can also be Checked Here.

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