Travel Instructions For All Expates Returning To Saudi Arab Via Oman Bahrain Nepal And Afghanistan
After the suspension of saudi Arabia flights for 20 countries including Pakistan and India most of the Expates used to travel saudi Arabia via oman Bahrain nepal maldeev and Afghanistan.
The most prominent way to travel used is Bahrain now a days in this simple article i will share an important point with you regarding travel to saudi Arabia via other countries in this current situation. Let me tell you that oman band entry to its country from 8th april 2021 so now only omani citizen and omani iqama holders can enter so if you are new work visa holders then this way is closed for you. After this you can still try Bahrain and Afghanistan but while comparing both of countries still Afghanistan is your best choice is its low in cost and affordable.
Advice For All Expates Returning To Saudi Arab Via Oman Bahrain Nepal And Afghanistan……
Keep in maind that situation in arab countries are not stable now a days and any thing may happen any time as oman suspended entry so my advice is if you have time in your Iqama and exit re entry visa then stay with your family in your own country because staying with your own family is better then stuck in someone other countries.
As Saudi Arabia Civil Aviation Circular About International Flights All Saudi Flights Will be open from 17th may 2021 once everything is fine then you can easily and directly travel to saudi Arabia.